ผังการแสดง & รอบการแสดง
หอประชุมมหิดลสิทธาคาร มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล
4,000 / 3,300 / 2,600 / 2,000 / 1,600 / 1,200 / 900
- Music Lover Card The card holder entitled discount 30%
- Student / Senior (60 years old up) Discount: 40% (Only at TTM counter and Prince Mahidol Hall Ticket Counter)
- College of Music Student and faculty / TPO Discount: 50% on standard ticket prices (Only at TTM counter and Prince Mahidol Hall Ticket Counter)
- Children under 6 years: free seating in the Family Box when accompanied by an adult. (Please reserve at least 24 hours in advance phone at 02-8496565 Ext. 6604, 6609)
Family Box Seating
Visiting with young children worry no more! We have 3 family boxes are available situated on the 2nd floor of the concert hall. You can enjoy the concert & performance from the family box which is an acoustically treated room with wide glass panels and excellent audio equipment. Reservation please call 02-8496565 Ext.6609
FBA = Family Box A
FBB = Family Box B
FBC = Family Box C
Accessibility seating
Prince Mahidol Hall provides wheelchair spaces and accessible seating to accommodate patrons and companion. Reservation please call 02-8496565 Ext.6609
Please arrive early
- Please arrive at Prince Mahidol Hall at least 1 hour before the performance
- Latecomers will be guided into the hall by concert-hall staff at an appropriate time that does not disturb the performance. Seating in the foyer with live video broadcast of the performance is available as you wait. Please note that refunds and cancellations are not allowed in cases of late arrival.
Virtual-tour Prince Mahidol Hall
Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra: Shostakovich Piano Concerto
Shostakovich Piano Concerto
Saturday, 21 October, 2023 – 4:00 p.m.
Prince Mahidol Hall
Lio Kuokman, conductor
Poom Prommachart, piano
Nitiphum Bamrungbanthum, trumpet
Maurice RAVEL: La valse
Dmitri SHOSTAKOVICH: Piano Concerto No. 1 in C minor, op. 35
Nikolai RIMSKY-KORSAKOV: Scheherazade, op. 35
The Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra (HK Phil) offers a concert in Prince Mahidol Hall with three stunning works to kick off Hong Kong Week 2023@Bangkok. The HK Phil celebrates its 50th golden anniversary during the 2023/24 season.
In this concert, the HK Phil's Resident Conductor Lio Kuokman opens the concert with Ravel's La valse, a work that evokes the glory days of 19th century Vienna, and he concludes with Rimsky-Korsakov's Scheherazade, which depicts the exotic tales of A Thousand and One Nights. Renowned Thai pianist Poom Prommachart and the HK Phil principal trumpet Nitiphum Bamrungbanthum will be featured in Shostakovich's First Piano Concerto, a work that features solo trumpet almost as much as the piano.
This concert is proudly co-presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administration Region and the Mahidol University College of Music.
Ticket Prices
4,000/ 3,300/ 2,600/ 2,000/ 1,600/ 1,200/ 900 Baht
For Ticket Information
Thai Ticket Major: 02-262-3456 www.thaiticketmajor.com
Prince Mahidol Hall: 02-849-6565, ext. 6604, 6609
Email: mshall@mahidol.ac.th
เเท็กที่เกี่ยวข้อง :
- Hongkong/ Hongkong Philharmonic Orchestra/Shostakovich Piano Concerto
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