ผังการแสดง & รอบการแสดง
หอประชุมมหิดลสิทธาคาร มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล
Premium : 1,800 / 1,400 / 1,000
Deluxe : 1,500 / 1,200 / 800
General : 500 / 700 / 900
Season Finale
Conditions of sale
- Music Lover Card purchased for 1,000 Baht (valid by season) provide at Prince Mahidol Hall box office. The card holder entitled discount 20% on standard ticket & 40% on deluxe and premium ticket maximum 4 tickets: Music Lover Card (at Thaiticketmajor booths or online)
- Student Discount: 50% on standard ticket prices (Only at Prince Mahidol Hall Ticket Counter)
- Senior (60 years old up) Discount: 50% on standard ticket prices (Only at Prince Mahidol Hall Ticket Counter)
- Children under 6 years: free seating in the Family Box when accompanied by an adult. (Please reserve at least 24 hours in advance phone at 02-8496565 Ext. 6604, 6609)
Accessibility seating
Prince Mahidol Hall provides wheelchair spaces and accessible seating to accommodate patrons and companion.
Family Box Seating
Visiting with young children worry no more! We have 3 family boxes are available situated on the 2nd floor of the concert hall. You can enjoy the concert & performance from the family box which is an acoustically treated room with wide glass panels and excellent audio equipment.
Safety Guidelines
To ensure the health and safety of our audience, staff, and performers, the following safety measures will be taken at Prince Mahidol Hall.
• Audience members and staff must wear face masks covering the nose and mouth at all times.
• Please maintain appropriate social distancing at all times.
• Changing seats is not permitted except when instructed by staff.
Please arrive early
- Please arrive at Prince Mahidol Hall at least 1 hour before the performance
- Latecomers will be guided into the hall by concert-hall staff at an appropriate time that does not disturb the performance. Seating in the foyer with live video broadcast of the performance is available as you wait. Please note that refunds and cancellations are not allowed in cases of late arrival.
Contact :
Email : mshall@mahidol.ac.th
Office hour Tel: (662) 8496565 Ext. 6604-6609
On the day of concert Tel: (662) 8496565 Ext.6626

Saturday, 2 September, 2023, 4:00 pm
เเท็กที่เกี่ยวข้อง :
- Thailand Phil Ecstatic Experiences 2022-2023 Season
ช่องทางการจำหน่าย :
Thaiticketmajor Outlets
Thai Post
Major Cineplex Outlets
Call Center TTM 02-2623456
Big C